I'm so ashamed by my lack of blogging lately so I'll catch you up in the world of Paige. So many wonderful things to report! The Rangers won last night, BAYLOR BEAT UT AND IS RANKED #22, Austin finished his law school applications, and my high school reunion is over and done with!!! Phew. 10 years... I still can't believe it! I've been working on this for over a year (getting everyone's info, renting places, caterers, etc) and I can honestly say it went great! Austin and I made the analogy that it is almost like planning a wedding. Getting everyone you know together, putting so much work into it, and then it's over in 48 hours. Austin submitted his apps 30 minutes before we left for Mattito's so we were relieved and ready to party! All in all, we had such a great turn-out and it was so great to see everyone and catch up. Friday night was the Irving homecoming game/BBQ and Saturday was dinner at Mattito's. I was SO busy on Friday that I didn't get many pictures and only a handful Saturday but I'm sure someone will send me a few. My best friend, Emily, even came in for the event. We are so relieved to have all that out of the way and can't wait to start hearing back from the law schools. Let the relaxing Sunday begin! Go Rangers!